Recently, in Arizona, a Drunk driver hit, and killed a cyclist. Later, in a recorded phone conversation the driver was heard laughing about the death of the cyclist. She only received 10.5 years. The full article is at the AZStar. You can click here to read it, but if you are even slightly a more descent human than me you'll be offended...
After reading the article I wrote a long open letter telling Melissa in so many words that I hoped she met an untimely death. I debated back and forth for an hour about whether I should publish it or not. Obviously I decided not to. After reading it over and over again I just felt terrible, like I was no better than her and her friend. I can't remember the last time I was this mad at something I have no tangible connection with. Her attitude in Court shows that she doesn't assume responsibility for her actions and that she blames everyone else, even the witness who called 911. I hear shit like what those two said to each other all the time. It disgusts me that people have ZERO regard for human life, simply because it's a life that was on two wheels and not in four. I think about how there are so many people who HATE cyclists, just like Melissa, people who hate cyclists enough to kill one and laugh about it. A part of me feels bad for writing that piece, that part thinks about how she probably has some fucked up circumstances and a sad, sad life. But another part of me feels no remorse for writing it, and anger at myself for not publishing it. She said what she said and I was returning the sentiment. I suppose though; she should be forgiven.
I try to keep it cool here. I give out just enough abuse to get some laughs but not enough to hurt feelings. This though, I simply can't mask my anger. I suppose I'm probably projecting my anger at ALL the people who really do think shit like that. People who hit cyclists on purpose or throw full beer cans at us, people who intentionally run us off the road, who call us fags and who forget that we, like them, are humans.
So in an effort to return the my blog to it's light hearted nature I'll say this:
I've read all the comments and I read the article on CNN. I think it's important to note that CNN decided to leave out the portion of the AZSTAR article describing Melissa's attempt to blame the witness for the accident, and how she tried to avoid responsibility for her actions by saying she was reaching for hand sanitizer. The CNN article makes it look like she made that comment to impress her friend, and that in actuality she's a really sweet girl who was in the wrong place at the wrong time doing the wrong thing.
I also think it's important to remember that this is about someone who KILLED someone else, and then laughed it off like it was some funny game, which is absolutely disgusting. Take out the bikes, cars and and alcohol and someone is still dead. That someone had family and friends.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
F**k You Melissa Arrington
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Melissa is serving nearly the full sentence. Had she kept her mouth shut, she would have gotten off with a much lighter sentence. This is justice because she will not do well in prison, especially with the lesbian women since she said she was glad that she killed a gay cyclist. She has a hard road ahead of her, and deserves every year of it. If she survives the decade in prison, she will come out with a different attitude for sure.
I'm with you Corey, if she has children they are obviously better off without the likes of her in their lives. Have a miserable next 10 years Melissa and FUCK YOU!!
She has destroyed her life as well as the cyclist she killed. It is hard to feel sorry for Melissa since she is zero. The world is better off with9out her and it is too bad that a fine man had to lose his life because of her stupidity. I am also mad that idiots like melissa exist. she should be executed. what a loser.
I think that her parents deserve a little of that prison time as well. Imagine raising any child to be so shallow and callous. Hate breeds hate. F**k Melissa and her loser parents.
I think the reason it fires me up is the fear. It wasn't an accident, or if it was she laughed that the man is dead. After this monster got caught she pleaded to start a group "better than mothers against drunk drivers" I am glad you're going to be locked up, but even happier that you'll never know what it's like to RIDE FREE!
She has a disorder I think. She is probably mildly retarded cause no one acts like that. Telling people she is glad she did what she did BEFORE she is even sentenced? How stupid is that! She has the mentality of a spoiled child. She will grow up the hard way in prison.
Unbelievable. Note the other remark about how the witness should have called 911 earlier. Obviously she feels great shame and remorse.
Here is a link to a story from The Pitch here in Kansas City describing some similar incidents in the KC area.
Melissa Arrington is a piece of .....
How dare she share a joke about taking the life of another human being. That they try to justifiy it with His Nationality, Sexual orientation or Lifestyle choice is inexcusable.
I hope that shame consumes her for the rest of her misrible life.
This shows how neatly divided (blue and red) and horribly polarized our country is. Bikes? Blue. Tree huggers? Blue? SUVs? Red. Meat? Red.
You get the idea... it's bad for all of us.
She is only 29. What a way to spend the best years of your life - in prison.
Fucking waste of skin, As far as I am concerned this piece of shit deserves the death penalty...
I think the person on the phone AND the acquaintance should be thrown in jail with her. Not only that, I think all three should be sodomized with a knife and starved to death (forced to drink fluids enough to survive) and tortured for the rest of the 10 year sentence. And then when they release them from prison, shoot them in kneecaps, leave them over night in a cold area locked to a tree, possibly idaho or colorado in winter, and then shoot them in the head in the morning when the wake up, if they haven't bled to death during the night,
Your also missing that this moron was on a suspended lic for a previous DUI. The Judge could have given her another year and should have.
Okay, a gay guy, a bicyclist, and a frenchman walk into a bar, a tree hugger comes in shortly after...
Jesus Christ, what a bunch of angry, bitter-ass cyclists this page has!! "She should be sodomized witha knife and starved to death??" It's ass-clowns like you guys that give tree hugging cyclists bad reputations. God, people like you SHOULD be hit by drunk drivers.
Hey Anonymous,
Thanks for using your name, you fucking cocksucking piece of shit.Anyone who thinks that someone should get hit by a drunk driver is sick.
I think someone should murder your family and sodomize your already torn asshole with a large buck knife. Stab it into your taint and have someone urinate into your open wounds.
You waste of air piece of shit whore.
"anonymous" lol you fucking pussy ass bitch
Where do you live? I'd like to slam a few cold beers and then go for a drive while you're out taking a spin on your fairy cycle. Nothing like dragging your Armstrong-wannabe ass under my car for a mile or two.
What a fucking loser, getting your panties all in a bunch over bike riding. Get a life you fucking punch-out.
For the few of you that support this nasty, nasty woman, you can listen to the conversation here:
Frankly, ten years isn't long enough. She was a repeat DUI offender, driving on a suspended license due to previous DUIs, and she thinks it's funny that she killed an innocent person while driving wasted.
"What a fucking loser, getting your panties all in a bunch over bike riding. Get a life you fucking punch-out."
In response to this piece of shit human being 'anonymous' who still is too cowardly to even put his name on this site. I am not even a bike rider and could care less about bike riding, so before you accuse me of being a "fairy bike rider" you better check yourself, you low life waste of air.
I think I figured it out, you are the one who called the dumb bitch on the phone or you are the neighbor. hahahaha, you are a white trash worthlesss human being. And by the way, I would like you to try and come face to face with me. i would make you my bitch ten times over you fucking faggot cunt.
Go get fucked like your whore mother did to produce a shit hole like yourself. I pity you and your miserable existence, having to defend a strumpet of this nature. That pretty makes you less than her, so basically you are NOTHING.
oh, and thanks, you made my morning because obviously you became upset ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahahahhahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahaha
have fun replying cuz i aint gonna waste my time any further with a low life like yourself
I came here looking for information on this case. I just have to say, "WOW!" I am amazed at the level of stupidity, callousness, and the complete lack of intelligence shown on both sides. Wishing for families to be killed?...Over comments? Whole families? What kind of moron are you? And applauding the death of a cyclist and saying they SHOULD be hit and killed by drunk drivers? Another moron on the other side. Stupidity is alive and well. You all make me sad.
I guess it just shows that stupidity and absolute assholeness belongs to no one group but is equally shared.
Has there ever been clearer evidence needed to see that the entire human race should be completely and utterly destroyed? What a pathetic and disgusting species humanity is. The universe would be better of if a large comet struck the earth and made all human life extinct. We, none of us, deserve to live.
I read the story this morning on CNN, and Googled the name of this woman to see if I could find audio or video of her, to see what she was like. This site was one of the first that come up from my search. I'm not a bike rider, nor do I live anywhere near Arizona....I'm from Washington, DC. I was simply curious about this woman. Low and behold I find a website full of Natzi bike riders that are calling for her death, the death of her family, and her rape and torture. Actually YOU were the only one calling for her rape and torture. My first comment was shock at the over-the-top intensity shown by the posts here. That is when you launched into some insane attack. I fired back because I find it amusing to poke and insight rabid people like you. You're either very undstable, or more likely, a 13 year old boy playing on mommy and daddy's computer while they are at work. At the end of the day, I really don't care about Melissa Arrington, you, or any of the people on this site. I was simply making an observation that the level of intensity here was WAY to high. Do everyone a favor and relax. Or kill youself, whatever you feel like.
"I fired back because I find it amusing to poke and insight rabid people like you."
You are more childish than anyone on this site. nuff said
I find it funny that you sunk as low as Aaron if not lower. He is obviously a child or struggling teenager, leave it at that.
Instead you made comments that put you into the lowest category of people, are you an adult? Really? It is apprent you have some social issues that need to be looked into at a professional level. I feel for you, and hope you can get help.
Stumbled across your blog here, all I can say is: 1. There's some serious morons on this board
2. Bicyclists (like it or not) ride at their own risk.
In New York City especially, where the streets were NOT designed to accommadate bicycles and moving vehicles, there's been a cavalier attitude that's been adopted by alot of bicyclists that somehow they are singled out/ignored etc. As someone who's commuted for 5 years into Manhattan on a bicycle, the biggest danger I've encountered to date isn't vehicles, it's other bicyclists that don't follow the rules of the road (one-way streets,sidewalk riding etc). At the end of the day, you ride at your own risk. Lastly, this Arrington woman is a total moron, got what she deserved, and some of the people posting here are just as ignorant as she is.
Why are you attacking each other?
"Debra", all I can say is, it's obvious you have never ridden a bicycle anywhere, if you think other bicyclists are the hazards. And no, bicyclists don't "ride at their own risk". They share the road just like anyone else., you cretin. For some unthinking idiot like you to come onto a board where the discussion is about the killing of a bicyclist wh did nothing wrong, and spew your foul lies, is unbelievable.
Let me guess, you're really "Tim" and "anonymous" in drag.
How 'bout you go on to school now, and get off Mommy and Daddy's computer?
Hey tim, how about you just enjoy losing your freedom and getting your ass raped in prison after you are arrested for vehicular manslaughter, too?
Or failing that, how about we just meet up somewhere and I'll educate you in person about some basic manners, you piece of human shit?
Anytime you want, you pedophilic, gutless, filth.
It is frustrating when you are driving and cyclist are also sharing the road. There should be paths for them to cycle on so they don't risk getting hit by cars. It is dangerous for a cyclist to ride his/her bike along with traffic. They cant' be seen around curves.
That being said, Melissa deserved her punishent because she did not care about killing a human being and bragged about it. I do not care about her, but I care about the person who drives a car and kills a cyclist by accident and feels remorse for the rest of his/her life.
Cyclists should not share the same roads as cars is my point.
It was NOT Melissa who said all those bad things about the cyclist, but the caller friend. She just laughed back at what he said. Because of her stupid friend caller, Melissa's jail sentence was extended from a possible 4 years to over a decade.
What are friend's for?
Actually Chuck, I believe that after the "friend" said those nasty reprehensible thing, he then said something to the the tune of, "That was a terrible thing to say" and she then replied, "No its not." She is a disgusting excuse for a human being. She should have been given the max. I would argue that killing someone through DUI is nothing more than premeditated murder regardless of the circumstances and what was said and she should be serving life.
Society played a part on why Melissa is screwed up. She was probably abused as a child and that is why she has this attitude. By profession she is a stripper. She has no other skills. She will adjust well to prison because this is the sort of people that wind up there.
I only regret she wasn't jailed for 11 years (the max). Besides, how much of a loser does one have to be to go see a fugly stripper like her? Ewwww ...
No one is perfect not you not me.
How do you know she is not remorseful?
Did she ever say she didn't like bicyclist?
Who are you to make judgment?
Everybody needs forgiveness.
You don't know her back ground...
I am not saying what she did is or was right or making justification for her actions.
Unfortunately Melissa made a huge mistake.
Melissa is paying dearly and so is everyone else who unfortunately is involved.
I understand anger and pain, although at the end of the day realize we all make bad choices and we must live with the circumstances.
Melissa did knot intentionally plot out to kill some one. it was a horrible accident and lack of judgment and choices on her part. Everybody deserves second and third chances.
Forgiveness is important. And remember none of us are immune to human error. Peace and love to all those who hate. May God Bless You.
Anonymous (April 28, 2014 at 3:29 PM)
She showed that she was not remorseful and that she didn't like the bicyclist (because of who she assumed that he was including a gay man) in the jailhouse recording. A remorseful person doesn't giggle over killing someone and respond no it's not when someone tells them a disgusting joke about the person they killed then says it's a terrible thing too say.
Drunk driving is not a mistake (it's common knowledge what they conquences are and she had been too a MADD event before the crash) or human error. You're right that no one is perfect or immune to human error but most people don't intentionally endanger lives. Everyone hates and has things they would never be able too forgive someone for doing including you (no one can truthfully say they don't. It's a human flaw all humans have), it's ironic that you say no one is perfect because you're acting like you are. If someone killed a friend or family member of yours (or committed another type of unforgivable against them), I seriously doubt you would be preaching about them getting second and third chances (only a doormat would give someone a third chance. If someone needs a third chance, don't expect them too change because the chances of it happening is incredibly slim) and forgiveness much less actually doing it especially if the person acted like what they did too your love one is funny.
Drunk driving IS a horrible mistake. Anyone who does it will realize there are consequences to their actions. Anyone who doesn't regret taking a "random" life has no conscience and no morals.
I knew Paul L'Ecuyer and considered him a friend of mine, even though I only knew him for a few months before this terrible tragedy. Some terrible things were said about him by scum who didn't even know him, simply because he was a bike rider. I know that he rode in the Tour de Tucson at least a few times. He used to sing with the mariache band for fun, even though I don't believe he was fluent in Spanish.
Paul was a very personable and animated person. I don't believe he was gay, not that it even matters. And the tree-hugger comment was not based on anything real.
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